Baba used to be in Dwarkamai the whole day. Nearby there was a thick jungle of thorny shrubs. it was called Lendi Baug.
Baba went there for long hours to do yoga practices. Several Bhaktas offered him dakshina (money) and Baba immediately distributed it to the poor and needv. Sometimes, the sum thus distributed was as much as Rs .500/-.
Baba never delivered long sermons. He told simple parables, carrying particular lessons. The words came from Baba's heart and directiv entered the listeners' hearts. Sometimes the parable was meant for a particular person. To others, it appeared to be rnerely an amusing story, but it went home straight to the person concerned. Baba knew what was passing in the listener's mind and spoke to him accordingly. Baba even knew the future and forewarned the people about it in suggestive terms. None, knew what 'education' Baba had. But his talk showed that he was well-versed as much in Veda and Upanishads as in Koran Sharif. He analysed every word of Gita very skillfully.
In Shirdi, there, were no good flowers for Baba's worship. Only wild flowers had to be used, so Purandare kaka, an ardent devotee, brought a few saplings from Bombay and asked for Baba's permission to plant them. But Baba flatly refused, obviously because he detested all outward show. He wanted Shirdi to blossom forth with real devotion. Purandare pleaded again and again but Baba was relentless. Purandare felt very sad. Three days passed without Purandare taking even a drop of water. In the meantime the saplings dried up. At last seeing his agony, Baba's heart melted. He called Purandare and, patting him on the back, said lovingly, "Kaka, go and plant the saplings. Though dried up, they will take roots. Go." And it happened exactly as Baba bad said. Something 'super' natural. The flowering plants at present found in Shirdi thus owe their origin to Baba's kripa.
On the way from Dwarkamai to Lendi Baug you will notice a neem tree. Under it there is a cavern containing a tomb. Baba himself pointed out this place and said,
"This is my Guru's Samadhi. I have practiced my penance here. When going to Lendi Baug and back, Baba unfailingly stopped here and adoringly bowed to the Samadhi.
Baba, with his own hands, daily prepared 'prasadam' in a big handi. This consisted of rice, dal, vegetables and even meat with appropriately ground masala.
AlI Bhaktas were eager to partake even a morsel of it. Without distinction of caste, creed or religion, they all assembled in a spirit of bon homie. It was a sight worth seeing. It was the Gopal kala of Baba. Baba himself went a-shopping to buy all the articles required for the prasadam.
In wordly dealings, Baba was very practical. Here is an instance. Once a woman came with a bunch of seeta-fals --- the first flush of the season --- to sell the same to Baba. After much higgling and haggling, Baba fixed the price at 10 annas. Presently, another woman came with a similar bunch. But Baba now fixed the price at 6 annas . Why? Because, the need at the second deal was much less, and so was the price offered. However, while making payment, Baba paid Re 1/- to each.
Thus Baba was a liberal giver, but could not be cheated to give.
Baba had no temptation as regards his body or the household. He begged alms as a vow at five houses only and lived in the ramshackle mosque Dwarkamai with perfect satisfaction.
In Dwarkamai, there was a shelf 5 ft. long and barely 9 inches in width, hung by slender shreds. Many a time, Baba was found sleeping on that shelf. How could those shreds support the weight of the shelf with Baba lying on it was a mystery never solved. But how Baba got up there and back again was a mystery deeper still.

Baba never delivered long sermons. He told simple parables, carrying particular lessons. The words came from Baba's heart and directiv entered the listeners' hearts. Sometimes the parable was meant for a particular person. To others, it appeared to be rnerely an amusing story, but it went home straight to the person concerned. Baba knew what was passing in the listener's mind and spoke to him accordingly. Baba even knew the future and forewarned the people about it in suggestive terms. None, knew what 'education' Baba had. But his talk showed that he was well-versed as much in Veda and Upanishads as in Koran Sharif. He analysed every word of Gita very skillfully.
In Shirdi, there, were no good flowers for Baba's worship. Only wild flowers had to be used, so Purandare kaka, an ardent devotee, brought a few saplings from Bombay and asked for Baba's permission to plant them. But Baba flatly refused, obviously because he detested all outward show. He wanted Shirdi to blossom forth with real devotion. Purandare pleaded again and again but Baba was relentless. Purandare felt very sad. Three days passed without Purandare taking even a drop of water. In the meantime the saplings dried up. At last seeing his agony, Baba's heart melted. He called Purandare and, patting him on the back, said lovingly, "Kaka, go and plant the saplings. Though dried up, they will take roots. Go." And it happened exactly as Baba bad said. Something 'super' natural. The flowering plants at present found in Shirdi thus owe their origin to Baba's kripa.
On the way from Dwarkamai to Lendi Baug you will notice a neem tree. Under it there is a cavern containing a tomb. Baba himself pointed out this place and said,

Baba, with his own hands, daily prepared 'prasadam' in a big handi. This consisted of rice, dal, vegetables and even meat with appropriately ground masala.

In wordly dealings, Baba was very practical. Here is an instance. Once a woman came with a bunch of seeta-fals --- the first flush of the season --- to sell the same to Baba. After much higgling and haggling, Baba fixed the price at 10 annas. Presently, another woman came with a similar bunch. But Baba now fixed the price at 6 annas . Why? Because, the need at the second deal was much less, and so was the price offered. However, while making payment, Baba paid Re 1/- to each.

Baba had no temptation as regards his body or the household. He begged alms as a vow at five houses only and lived in the ramshackle mosque Dwarkamai with perfect satisfaction.

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