शिर्डी के साँई बाबा जी के दर्शनों का सीधा प्रसारण... अधिक जानने के लियें पूरा पेज अवश्य देखें

शिर्डी से सीधा प्रसारण ,... "श्री साँई बाबा संस्थान, शिर्डी " ... के सौजन्य से... सीधे प्रसारण का समय ... प्रात: काल 4:00 बजे से रात्री 11:15 बजे तक ... सीधे प्रसारण का इस ब्लॉग पर प्रसारण केवल उन्ही साँई भक्तो को ध्यान में रख कर किया जा रहा है जो किसी कारणवश बाबा जी के दर्शन नहीं कर पाते है और वह भक्त उससे अछूता भी नहीं रहना चाहते,... हम इसे अपने ब्लॉग पर किसी व्यव्सायिक मकसद से प्रदर्शित नहीं कर रहे है। ...ॐ साँई राम जी...

Saturday 5 July 2014

ॐ श्री शुभ साईं रात्रि

तेरा  नाम  तेरा  नाम  आये  मेरे  काम,
साईं  राम  साईं  राम  बोलो  बोलो  साईं  राम..

आज  की  रात  तेरे  नाम  का  गुणगान  करे,
और  कुछ  आता  नहीं  बस  यही  काम  करे ।।

।।साईं  राम  साईं  राम  बोलो  बोलो  साईं  राम।।

Chapter 4 - Kakasaheb Dixit Diary

Chapter 4 - Kakasaheb Dixit Diary

  • A devotee named Madhur Das came to Shirdi often. During one of such visits, he met Sagun Meru Naik who had a hotel in Shirdi where many pilgrims had their food. They both had good time chatting about matters of other people’s faults and affairs. Then Madhur Das went to Lord Sai Baba and sat near Him. Lord Baba asked him, “What was this Sagun saying?” Now Madhur immediately recollected what fault of his was caught by Lord Baba. He remembered that Lord Baba did not like when people blame others and talk about them for no reason. In this way, Lord Baba again reminded Madhur and us not to indulge ourselves in other’s matters because what is for us, is with us and what is for others, is with them.

Friday 4 July 2014

History of Shani Dev Idol in Shingnapur

In Shani-Shingnapur village, Shani Dev self-appeared in form of idol. God appeared in form of black stone with a height of 5 feet and 9 inches & 1 feet and 6 inches in the width. He is standing on platform without any roof.
It is believed that, 250 years ago, in Shingnapur Village it rained so heavily and incessantly that all the houses and fields were submerged by flowing water. The Shani idol came flowing along with the flood waters and got stuck in the branches of the neighboring berry tree. After the reducing of flood water when cowherds went near Panas Nala, they saw the big stone boulder in the branches of tree. They were surprise to see it. With the lot of hesitation, they poked the idol with their sticks and stone started bleeding. The cowherds saw this injury. With the scared, they ran away. They came back to the village and told their elders about what they saw. Listening to all this, villagers went to that spot where the stone was found. They were also shocked to see it. They could not decide what to do of this stone. At last they all returned to their homes by deciding that they would think tomorrow on this.