शिर्डी के साँई बाबा जी के दर्शनों का सीधा प्रसारण... अधिक जानने के लियें पूरा पेज अवश्य देखें
Saturday, 30 November 2013

To the left of the Nanda Deep are two Neem trees. These were planted by Baba
When Baba went to Lendi Bagh daily He lit the 'Nanda Deep'. At that time it was placed in a pit and Abdul Baba looked after it. Abdul states that Baba sat with His back to the 'Jyoth1 and from there the lamp was not visible to Baba. Abdul brought pots of water and placed them near the Nanda Deep and Baba poured *ater in various directions (Ref. DE, p. 144). In 1942 Galwankar built a par over which was placed the Nanda Deep and now it is contained in a marble pillar and shielded with glass and protected from the elements.
To the right of the Nanda Deep is this holy Peepul tree. Baba went daily to Lendi Bagh and spent two to three hours below these trees (Neem and Peepul). This Peepul tree began to dry and Baba gave life to it and made Navgriha installation in this tree, as a mark of which the stem of this tree has nine large branches and nine roots. There is also a Ganesh formation on this tree.

Friday, 29 November 2013
The Impact of Lord Shani Dev On Human Life
The planets control the whole Universe, but Lord Shani is the chief controller. Shani is also known as a chief controller among the jury of planets. Lord Shani decides the results of the fructification of our Karmas and all the planets give malefic or benefic results depending upon such karmas of a native. We all living beings are bounded to the chains of our Karmas and have have to undergo their good and bad results. I would like to discuss herewith, about the most important and the only justified planet ‘Shani’, about whom people have a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings.
To make you better understand the subject, I would like to explain to you the basics about the other planets, before discussing about Lord Shani. The trinity Lords; i.e. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha are responsible for Generation, Operation and Destruction of the Universe. To deliver us the results of our own actions, God himself has been incarnated in the form of the planets. Our classics clearly declare that all of these nine planets are the icons of various incarnations of Lord Vishnu. So the Sun, the Moon, the Mars, the Mercury, the Jupiter, the Venus, the Shani, the Rahu and the Ketu are known to be the incarnations of Lord Rama, Krishna, Narsimha, Buddha, Vaman, Parashurama, Kurma, Varaha and Matsya respectively. There is another fact regarding Lord Shani, which needs to be clearly understood here over. It is that Lord Shani appeared as the son of Lord Sun, who himself is an incarnation of Idealistic Lord Rama. Apart from this, even all the occupants of divine land, do also come under the reign of the planets itself. This clarifies that the planets are even more powerful than Lord Indra or any other god. The jurisdiction of the planets is larger than that of the god's himself. Accordingly, it has been declared in the classics very clearly-
"Graha Rajyam Prayachhanti, Graha Rajyam Haranti Che, Grahaee Vyapatam Sakalam Jagat "
i.e. Planets not only grant and snatch away Kingdoms but are also responsible for existence of this whole Universe.
Friends! In our classical books the present age has been described as Kaliyug, commonly it is also called as Kalyuga. The manner in which, people are dependent on the modern scientific articles and machines these days, the word Kaliyuga (Kal means components) is very appropriate. With the help of latest scientific discoveries and the inventions, man is living a luxurious life day by day. What to talk of the Earth, the Oceans and the Atmosphere, the man has also explored & stepped into the outer space very fast. In Vedic Astrology, the outer space, the barren land, the graveyards, the forests & the deep deserts, deep valleys, the mountains, the caves, the ditches, the mines and all the inhabitant free places on this earth, do fall under the jurisdiction of the Shani. If we notice the progress in the space and the other related areas, it would be justified calling this age as ‘The Saturnian age i.e. the age of Lord Shani Dev Ji. The jurisdiction of Lord Shani includes not only the deep and secret knowledge but also all our actions relating to the vigilance, the labour, the service, the helplessness, the handicap persons and helping sick and the old people.
The great scientists of the age have discovered many secrets regarding the Solar System and the Nuclear Sciences. Lord Shani signifies human actions. In the present scenario, if some one explains to the impacts of the planets over human life, he will certainly be laughed at. However, recent discoveries reveal that all the living beings and matters, however large or small they may be, are so closely inter related to each other that they give retrospective effects. These are really petty issues that are not generally digested by the common person with little knowledge. However, with acceptation or rejection of such people, facts do not change. The declaration made by our great ancient Seers & Sages:
" Yatha Pinde, Thatha Brahmande "
It means that a definite relationship exists between the living beings and the nature and the same is also verified by the modern sciences too. The rules governing the different activities and the happenings on the planets of the solar system, the Sun, the Moon, the Mercury etc. are also applicable not only to the human beings but also to all living beings on this earth. The representative calls of the solar system exist in all the living beings, including human beings.
The deep studies in Physics reveal that matter is made up of the atoms. The atoms itself consist of a nucleus having positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons revolving around it. In case we study the motion of these electrons carefully, we find their motion is similar to that of the motion of the planets in the Solar system. According to Indian Vedic Astrology, the Nakshatra combinations and the planetary combinations, at the time of his birth, leave a life long impression on the life of a native. This planetary position decides his fortune. The analysis of the horoscope of a particular person explains the effects of planetary rays on his life. It may be good or bad, favourable or unfavourable depending upon the position, the mutual aspects and the conjunction of the nine planets, their Nakshatra lordships and the other Astrological combinations. Now, Lord Shani affects human life the most, because it has the longest Mahadasha period i.e. nineteen years. In addition, it transits over one sign for two and a half years period and it is the Lord of the tenth and the eleventh house in the Natural Zodiac. Therefore, being the lord of the house of Karmas and Justice, in the horoscope of ‘Kalpurush’, it justifies our karmas. In order to calculate ‘Mahurta’, in Astrology, the rays of the planets and their Nakshatra lordships are also calculated. These rays have good and evil properties and thus their effect do change with the passage of time. Only specific rays of the Planets and the Nakshatras, have special qualities and matter, as per their transitory position. To perform a particular work successfully, we choose auspicious ‘Mahurta’. It is very much clear that the tradition of finding the ‘Mahurta’ is not merely a superstition or a blind faith, but it is completely scientific and secretive. Horoscope reflects the nature and the character of a particular person. An astrologer reveals the bare facts of the various phases of the life of a native. The Astrological science analyses the facts of the present and the past life of a person and encourages him to put more efforts in performing his duties righteously. Lord Shani being the signifier of our actions (the present as well as the past) has the capacity to do undo the evil results of our past deeds with suitable present remedial measures. An astrologer can do the generosity of making, the unfavourable circumstances as favourable, with the help of the tips, worked out on the basis of the analysis of a horoscope. The unfavourable situations in future can be foreseen and can be made favourable through remedial measures. By preaching and evoking sufficient alertness, an astrologer can help a person in getting his misdeeds done undone. The ‘Supreme Power’ whose mere imagination, makes this Universe to exist, has made these planets responsible to control and regulate all living beings. The planets decide all the joys and sorrows to all living beings including the human beings. However, this is a separate issue that we attain these joys and sorrow due to our own destined karmas. Hence, the most important role of Lord Shani, as a signifier of our present actions, cannot be ignored at all. The decision regarding, “When and how the results of the deeds of pre-births are fructified by the nine planets" among which Lord Shani plays the most significant role. Lord Shani is the chief Justice and punishes or rewards the human beings according to their misdeeds or good deeds. Lord Shani is neither partial nor delays in granting the punishment for evil deeds. The reason being that Lord Shani does not show any sympathy while punishing. He threats them through evil results enriches them makes them famous and known through granting good results. People are frightened of him, possibly that is why Lord Shani is named as a cruel, a rude and a malefic planet. However, it certainly does not mean that Lord Shani has any scarcity of love and kindliness.
The planets also decide the effects of the deeds of our previous births, in our present lifetime. That's why it is necessary to know about the main periods (Mahadasha) and sub -periods (Antardasha) of planets in Astrology. This knowledge enables us to make remedial measures for protection against the misshapenness. A particular planet in line with its temper and nature affects us during its Mahadasha (Main period) and delivers the malefic or benefic results as per our own deeds.
Our ancient seers and sages have studied the malefic and benefic effects of Lord Shani very minutely and described the same in our classical books in great details. Saturn is a planet, having a clear vision. A favourable Shani bestows wealth and fame but at the same time, an unfavourable Shani gives endless miseries.
A favourable period of planet Shani bestows sharp memory, and makes people wealthy and famous. There is a satisfactory profit in business and one can also get hidden treasures. He also makes the person, a head of the society, a head of a village, town or city or a public representative. In his Dasha period, people are likely to get special profits from agriculture and are honoured with respect, fame and high position, in the State and society.
During the unfavorable period of Shani, one has to face endless miseries. Chances for loss of property, wealth and health also do exist. There can also be humiliation in public life, as a result of involvement in ill deeds. One has to face humiliation at every step or sometimes he gets diseased to incurable ailments.
Remember, Lord Shani punishes only those who are involved in ill deeds. However, he becomes happy and favorable to people performing good deeds and rewards them with lots of progress in their life and may also elevate them to high positions like secretary, minister and even sometime up to the rank of Prime Minister. At the same time, when Shani gets annoyed, he also grants imprisonment to such people of high position and they have to face various types of humiliations depending upon their misdeeds.
Human embodiment (Manav-Yoni), is also referred to as birth for actions (Karma-Yoni). The reason being that all the other embodiments are only Bhog Yonies (getting the results based on previous deeds). Even godly beings cannot perform any Karma (deed) but can only experience the results of their past good or ill deeds. Even huge animals like the elephant cannot perform any Karma (deed). The results of deeds in human-embodiment are to be experienced by the spirit in several births. Moreover, it is Lord Shani, who gives us the results of our deeds while living on the earth and Yamaraj who grants the result of our misdeeds after death. Shani certainly punishes the violators of the laws of nature, and ensures the arrangements for rewarding the good deeds, once for all.
According to our Epics, Lord Sun is a witness to all our deeds and Lord Shani is responsible for bestowing us the results thereof. Remember, we start to experience their results immediately since the time of our birth. After death, Yamaraj i.e. the Lord of Yamapuri, sends us to heaven or hell, depending upon our deeds.
A native happens to get some chronic or incurable prolonged diseases due to the affliction of Lord Shani. The effects of Shani during its main period, sub-period and sub-sub periods, brings out the hidden diseases in our body. Shani can also motivate thieves and dacoits to publicly acknowledge their misdeeds. They then have to bear with the pains of long imprisonment, and also suffer severe physical and mental torture.
It is clear that Lord Shani delivers the result of our deeds without any favour or animosity. He should not be considered as a planet that grants only pains to the living beings. On the other hand, by doing so he nullifies the effects of his misdeeds and makes the living being pure and devoted towards the Divine. Thus, Lord Shani is always a well wisher and is very similar to a Kalpa Vriksha (Tree that fulfills the desires). I hope, by now, all your doubts about Lord Shani would have been clarified, in the light of the above explanation. Having known the real picture of Lord Shani, one should start worshipping him without any fear. People should follow the truthful path, thereby making Lord Shani all happy. This will enable them to experience thyself and thereby enjoying the pleasures, the worldly and the heavenly. We must remember that the blessings of Lord Shani can only be achieved by performing good deeds and through his blessings, our prayers bear fruits, resulting into the speedy experience of the Almighty. Now you can decide yourself, whether Lord Shani is a benefic or a malefic Planet to human life! Your doubts would be clarified instantly, as soon as you contemplate over the above facts. In fact, Shani is not an enemy to anyone. He only delivers the results of our good deeds and the bad deeds, through various ways, thereby making us pure.
However, those who are not aware of his qualities, his religious activities, his nature, his way of working and his compassion, they address him as a cruel, a pain-giving one and they are really mistaken, treating him as an enemy. Although the fact is that, only our bad deeds are our enemies that result into all our sorrows and pains. It is also true that Lord Shani certainly delivers the results of our deeds. Moreover, just for this reason, treating him as our enemy is not only foolishness on our part but also it’s an indication of our ignorance. We should not be afraid of Shani, but should perform good deeds and treat him as a Chief Justice in the court of human affairs. We should therefore try to pray Lord Shani and obtain right understanding with his blessings.
Almighty has designated Lord Shani as a planet to deliver the results of the Karmas of all living beings, exactly in line with their deeds, and he obeys his duties most honestly & righteously. I positively hope that after reading the above, all your doubts gathered from various sources about Shani, must have been clarified. Therefore, obtain the blessings of Lord Shani by praying, worshipping and reciting his name. Do not be afraid of him.
You should be contended with your honest earnings, and be warned of any misdeeds arising out of your greed, thus avoiding any punishment by Lord Shani.
Kindly spare some precious moments from your busy schedule, to worship and please him and always believe that he will definitely bless you. Remember, criticism of the wrong doer cannot change the attitude and actions of the Chief justice, in the court of human affairs. Lord Shani is always ready to punish according to ones deeds and as per pre-defined laws of the nature, he also rewards our good deeds. He does his duties without any favoritism or mistake. So, if you think that the mirror is erroneous, think again, it may well be the face that is looked into the mirror, which is erroneous! It is therefore, useless to blame Lord Shani.
To make Lord Shani favourable, many remedies have been mentioned in the classical books of the Astrological Science. We can use them to make our lives cheerful and peaceful. However, before I discuss these remedies, I would like to introduce properly Lord Shani to you from the traditional view point, thus helping you to come out of the various misconceptions and misunderstandings about him. In various traditional books there is sufficient discussion about his appearance and special qualities. Therein He is stated as the son of Lord Sun, also known as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu (the soul of the Universe) and as the son of Maharishi Kashyap. The name of his mother is Chhaya or Suvarna. His brothers are manu Sawarni and Yamaraj, and his sister are known to be Yamuna and Bhadra.
As per the common natural law, any sect has the hereditary effect upon its successors. Lord Shani is not only related to Maharishi Kashyap but is also his grandson and is the son of Lord Sun. This makes him wonderful and endows upon him, a matchless personality. It is not only due to this reason that Shani preaches the path of divinity even by becoming a servant to human beings whenever required, and no doubt, these are his hereditary qualities.
Shani is also a great devotee of Lord Shiva. It is said that due to some reasons, his father, Lord Sun was once annoyed with his mother Chhaya and was about to curse her. Lord Shani could not tolerate this attitude of his father and to defend his mother, decided of becoming much more powerful than his father. Without any hesitation he asked his father about the method to become much more powerful than him. The great father, lord Sun, was extremely pleased to know that his son Shani, desired to become more powerful than Him (the Sun). Most fathers want to see their sons much more perspicuous and powerful than themselves.
Accordingly, he asked Shani to go to Kashi and perform the ‘Abhisheka’ and worship Lord Shiva by making a ‘Parthivalinga’. Lord Shani performed this performance (Anusthan) very sincerely. Lord Shiva was pleased with Shani’s devotion and dedication and bestowed upon him his blessings. Lord Shani asked of him for two boons. The first that he should be much more powerful than his father, the Lord Sun and the second that he be at seven times more distant from the Sun and to be surrounded by the seven sub-planets. Lord Shiva bestowed his grace by granting these boons and blessed Lord Shani.
From the above fact, it’s quite clear that Lord Shani has all the inborn qualities with Lord Shiva’s blessings and can satisfy the devotees, blessing them without any delay.
God himself incarnated in the form of the planets to reward and punish human being according to their deeds. The Divine also created a court of Justice in the form of these planets to deliver the fair and timely judgments to the people, in line with their own deeds. Lord Shani was also designated as a Chief Justice among these planets. However, people have misunderstood him to be a cruel and horrifying planet and are threatened by his name. Not only this, but the so called Astrologers with little knowledge, exploit the innocent & the ignorant people and make money in the name of Lord Shani. I believe that no more explanation is required to introduce Lord Shani, and by now you must have become familiar with him.
However, I certainly feel pity and get irritated over those impatient and ignorant people, who start blaming him as a cruel, a malefic and an unlovable one, whenever they have to face some petty problem.
When we think seriously, it becomes crystal clear that this era is the era of the favouritism & bribery. Even cheats and dacoits of the highest order are freed by bribery since "Might is Right". In this modern age, only those who are tolerant to others’ ill-deeds, are praiseworthy, irrespective of their post & position. They are successful in every phase of life. They may achieve their goals through bribes or some access. Honesty is deemed to be a curse and fair deal is known as a cowardliness. It is why the honest officers are tortured to such an extent that sometime they commit suicide.
There is no scope for any bribery, flattery or the "Right of Might" in the court of Lord Shani. Here you have to accept and experience the results of your deeds, good ones or the bad ones. Believe me, its only the Lord Shani who is capable enough to deliver such results. All other planets merely support him in owing his duties and they all deliver their effects only through Lord Shani.
The decisions made by Shani can never never be challenged like the ones made by the Supreme Court. Even lord Shiva and Vishnu have to approve these decisions. The only petition that gets a hearing are the good-deeds, the prayers, the pilgrimage and the respect paid and service performed to the Guru, mother, father, guests and sages. Such Karmas definitely do undo the punishment for one’s misdeeds and he is blessed for his real good-deed in the present times. This is the only out which we can make our unfavorable situations as favourable, thereby enabling our life to be peaceful and contented.
It is a bare fact of life that the authority of fructification of the good-deeds and misdeeds is granted by Lord Shani only. The results of good-deeds and misdeeds go hand-in-hand and Lord Shani is very strict in delivering their results. He is very strict while punishing as well as while rewarding. While punishing, he brings people down to earth and thus leads them towards the final liberation (Moksha), the ultimate goal of life. Only Lord Shani has this power, like a goldsmith who purifies gold by melting it, Lord Shani also purifies human life by making them realize their follies. There are many examples when Shani, within a very short time span has turned the most powerful and rich people as beggars during his main-period (Mahadasha) or the sub–period (Antardasha) or the sub-sub period (Pratantar-Dasha). I think it is sufficient to tell that Lord Shani gets pleased through prayers and the worships, and leads mankind towards Moksha, after granting them the worldly and the heavenly treasures both.
The Shri Sai Satcharitha Purifies Us Through Moral Excellence
Like the holy water of The Ganges, The Shri Sai Satcharitha purifies us through moral excellence. Blessed are the ears of the listeners or the eyes of the readers of The Sai Satcharitha which is the means of success in this life as well as the life after death. If The Sai Satcharitha is compared to nectar then nectar will only protect one from death but The Sai Satcharitha will save one from taking births again and again. (Chapter 13).
Knowledge Or Self-Realization Is Not Possible, Unless There Is The Prior Act Of Grinding Of All Our Impulses
Apart from the meaning which the people of Shirdi put on this incident of grinding wheat, there is, we think, a philosophical significance too. Sai Baba lived in Shirdi for about sixty years and during this long period, He did the business of grinding almost every day - not, however, the wheat alone; but the sins, the mental and physical afflications and the miseries of His innumerable devotees. The two stones of His mill consisted of Karma and Bhakti, the former being the lower and the latter the upper one. The handle with which Baba worked the mill consisted of Jnana. It was the firm conviction of Baba that Knowledge or Self-realization is not possible, unless there is the prior act of grinding of all our impulses, desires, sins; and of the three gunas, viz. Sattva, Raja and Tama; and the Ahamkara, which is so subtle and therefore so difficult to be got rid of.
Sai Baba Says
“On account of avarice there is no peace, no satisfaction nor freedom from anxiety. With avarice in mind, all accomplishments towards emancipation already achieved, are wasted.” - Chapter 17
“My devotee will never be attracted towards money and will not be caught in the grandeur of wealth.”- Chapter 36
“Remember that one who has great yearning for money can never achieve self-realisation.”
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Story with Great Moral- Polish Yourself
There was a king who was a great admirer of art. One day an artist came and said to the king, “Oh King! Give me a blank wall in your palace and let me paint a picture on it.”
The artist was given the job. Just then, another young man said, “Oh King! Please allow me to work on the opposite wall. I too am an artist.” The king said, “What would you like to make?” The man said, “My Lord, I shall make exactly what that man will make on the opposite wall. Moreover, I shall do so, without looking at his work. I would even request you to have a thick curtain put up between the two walls so that either of us cannot see the other.”
Everyone in the king’s court, including the king was intrigued. He decided to give the young fellow a chance. The following day a thick curtain was put into place and both the artists got to work. The first artist brought in a regular supply of paint, oil, water etc. The second one worked with some cloth and a bucket of water. After a month the first artist told the king that his work was complete. The king sent for the second artist and asked him, “Young man, when would your work be ready? I am coming to see the first wall this evening.” The man said, “My Lord, my wall is ready too!”
The king went to see the first artist’s wall. He was very, very impressed with the painting and gave a hefty sum as a reward to the artist. He then asked for the curtain to be opened up. Lo and behold! The same painting was to be seen on the opposite wall too! Amazing! But true! Each line, each minor detail was exactly as it was on the first wall. But this man had not been seeing what was going on, on the other side of the curtain. So how had he done it?
The king wanted to know the secret. He gave a double reward to the fellow. Then he said, “Young man, I am indeed very happy with your work. But you must tell me; how did you do it?”
The lad said simply, “It’s very easy! I just polished the wall every day till it shone like a mirror!” It was a wall made of white marble! The reflection of the painting across the room, showed up in it!
That is what it means to polish yourself. World is a reflection of you. Whatever you are, the world will seem to be that too. If you are happy, the world will look to be happy. If you are sad; jealous; angry; restless... that is what the world will seem to be to you!.
Never Give A False Promise: Baba
Sai Baba preached that, if you promise anything to anybody, you, must fulfil it. Never give a false promise. Devotees normally pray and make a vow to their diety or Guru to do some act or offer something, on condition, that certain desire of theirs is fulfilled, but, once their desire is fulfilled they forget to fulfil their vow. There are many instances, where Sai Baba prompted such devotees to fulfil their pending vows. For instance, in Ch. 33, Appasaheb Kulkarni wished to pay Rs. 10 to the Fakir, who had visited his residence during his absence and Baba got it fulfilled by approaching him again and demanding the full amount. Similarly, in Ch. 30, we have read how Sai Baba manoeuvred to get Shama's long-pending offering to Sapla-shringi Goddess fulfilled. In Ch. 15 also Sai Baba is seen highly pleased to note His devotee Cholkar giving up sugar in his dietary and drinking tea also without sugar until his vow to offer sugar-candy to Sai Baba by visiting Shirdi is fulfilled.
Bow to Shri Sai Nath & Peace Be to All...
Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Source: Ambrosia in Shirdi after Samadhi
BABA MADE SHRI KAKASAHEB DIXIT TO ATTEND THE DINNER PARTY ARRANGED BY SHRI KRISHNA RAO NARAYAN PARULKAR HARDA AND SATISFIED HIM Shri Krishna Rao Narayan Parulkar, Honorary Magistrate of Harda has been celebrating "Shri Datta Festival” for several years ususally falling in December and feeding one hundred brahmins on that occasion and whenever for some reason or other he was not able to do so in a year, he would feed double the usual number (i. e.) two hundred brahmin) in the next year. As per that self imposed rule, he was to feed two hundred brahmins in respect of that celebration in the year 1925. One Saturday was fixed for dinner, only when five days were left to it, that is on Monday. On Tuesday when Parulkar was merged in meditation as per his daily routine, he heard a voice saying "If you desire that on the day you are feeding the brahmins, I should come and dine with them, you call Sri Dixit from Bombay, Parulkar however thought to himself whether it was proper for him to request Shri Dixit to come such a long distance simply for taking dinner while he was in the midst of such conflict of thoughts, he again heard the voice, "why did you puzzle? Write to Dixit, feed him with all the other brahmins and when you have done so, know it for certain that I joined the party taking dinner at yours.” So Parulkar wrote to Shri Dixit on Wednesday requesting him to attend the dinner on Saturday. Failing to hear from Shri Dixit all prepa rations were made for serving the dinner on Saturday, Parulkar with tearful eyes requested Baba to set matters right and then taking his bath, so soon as he started doing his mid-day routine prayers, he got a telegram from Shri Dixit informing him that he and Madhavrao Deshpande were on the way to Harda. All were gladdened to receive the news. They all went to the Station to receive them. Accorded them a hearty welcome and gave them a sumptuous feast in the company of the two hundred brahmins. Sri Parulkar was overy joyed and he now felt that Baba is still there to satisfy all the Godly craving of his heart. Surrender Shri Sai Completely I Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there II
Sai Baba Says - Chapter 6
• “Those who worship Me Exclusively and Serve Me always with a mind full of reverence, I Consider It My Promise to Look After Their Livelihood & Protection.”
• To Those Poor & Penniless Amongst Seekers Of Selfrealisation, Baba has Permanently Assured:
“There Will Be No Shortage Of Food & Clothes At The Residence Of My Devotees.”
Sai Sai Sai.. Baba Sai.. Shri Sai.. Jai Jai Sai..
Baba said, “Read this completely and you will be benefited" – Shri Sai Satcharita, in Ch. 27.
An old Farmer and son lived on a farm. One day the grandson said, “I try to read the Bhagavad Gita just like you but I don’t understand it much. And whatever little I understand, I forget it very soon. What is the use of reading this book?”
The old farmer quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and said,
“Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.”
The young boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back home. The farmer asked him to try again and again. But every single time, the water leaked out of the basket before he got back to the house. Finally, he said exhausted, “See Grandpa, it’s useless!”
“So you think it’s useless?” old farmer said, “Look at the basket.” The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket to a new clean one, inside and out.
“Son, that’s what happens when you read a book like the Bhagavad Gita. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it again and again, you will realize the benefit one day.”
Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai..
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Sai Baba's Sayings:
Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere. If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive them away, but receive them well and treat them with due respect. Shri Hari (God) will be certainly pleased if you give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry, clothes to the naked and your verandah to strangers for sitting and resting. If anybody wants any money from you and you are not inclined to give, do not give, but do not bark at him like a dog.
Shri Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai..
The Power Of Words
Shri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai..
A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.
The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
This story teaches two lessons:
1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day.
2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them.
Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path.
The Power Of Words... it is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times. Special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another.
Sai Blessings To All Of Us...
Admit Your Mistakes & Errors
One reason Hitler lost World War-II was that he did not fully understand the situation. Bearers of bad news were punished. Soon no one dared tell him the truth. Not knowing the truth, he could not act appropriately. Many of us are individually guilty of the same error. We do not like to admit to ourselves our mistakes, errors, shortcomings, or ever admit we have been in the wrong. And because we will not see the truth, we cannot act appropriately.
Someone has said that it is a good exercise to daily admit one painful fact about ourselves to ourselves.
Look for and seek out true information concerning yourself, your problems, other people, or situation, whether it is good news or bad news.
Adopt the motto –
“It doesn't matter who’s right, but what’s right.”
Admit your mistakes and errors but don’t cry over them. Correct them and go forward. In dealing with other people try to see the situation from their point of view as well as your own.
Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai...
Monday, 25 November 2013
Keep Smiling
|| OM SAI RAM ||
Keep Smiling & One Day, Life Will Also Get Tired Of Upsetting You...
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Five Blessed House Of Shirdi

1. Sakharam Patil Shelke’s House
2. Vaman Rao Gondkar’s House
3. Bayyaji Appa Kote Patil’s House (SAI KUTIR)
4. Bayaja Bai Ganapath Kote Patil’s House (BAYAJA MAA)
5. Nandaram Marwari House (Sur Name : Sanklecha’s )