The 15th Of October 1918, was the sorrowful and fateful day for Us.. At 2:30 PM in the afternoon Our
Sadguru Lord Baba SAI breathed his last. Quietly and unobtrusively BABA crossed the line of attachment with this Body which was a rented by 5 elements of Nature, Baba took Maha Samadhi and the day in the calendar was Dussehra, Moharram and Budh Jayanti. All three festivals on the same day.. Non Of the religion people can say its my day again he taught us SABKA MALIK EK..

While taking last breath's, BABA gave total 9 coins to Shri Laxmi Bai Shinde one of his close disciple and let his head fall gently on the shoulders of Shri Bayyaji Appa Kote Patil.