शिर्डी के साँई बाबा जी के दर्शनों का सीधा प्रसारण... अधिक जानने के लियें पूरा पेज अवश्य देखें

शिर्डी से सीधा प्रसारण ,... "श्री साँई बाबा संस्थान, शिर्डी " ... के सौजन्य से... सीधे प्रसारण का समय ... प्रात: काल 4:00 बजे से रात्री 11:15 बजे तक ... सीधे प्रसारण का इस ब्लॉग पर प्रसारण केवल उन्ही साँई भक्तो को ध्यान में रख कर किया जा रहा है जो किसी कारणवश बाबा जी के दर्शन नहीं कर पाते है और वह भक्त उससे अछूता भी नहीं रहना चाहते,... हम इसे अपने ब्लॉग पर किसी व्यव्सायिक मकसद से प्रदर्शित नहीं कर रहे है। ...ॐ साँई राम जी...

Thursday, 30 January 2014


SAI is a treasure of knowledge . Sitting inside the mosque , HE knew the past , present & future , in whichever part of the world it might occur...

He who loves SAI BABA most , always experience His presence . The whole world is desolate to him without SAI BABA... 

SAI is an embodiment of Love , Boundless Love ; He cannot be described , rather each of us can experience HIM....

"Oh mother, My Guru never taught Me any Mantra, then how shall I blow any Mantra in your ears? Just remember that Guru's tortoise-like loving glance gives us happiness. Do not try to get Mantra or Upadesh from anybody. Make Me the sole object of your thoughts and actions; and you will, no doubt, attain Paramartha (the spiritual goal of life). Look at Me whole-heartedly, and I in turn look at you similarly"-Saibaba to Mrs. Radhabhai Deshmukh

"Let us do our prescribed duty and surrender our body, mind and five pranas (life) to the Guru's feet. Guru is God, all pervading. To get this conviction, strong unbounded faith is necessary."-Shri Sai Baba

" I am the slave of God . God is the Lord & Master . God has agents everywhere ; they have vast powers. " 

 Endeavor to become totally detached & gaze at the lotus feet of SADGURU SAINATH with love & devotion...

Every Painful Situation is a Gift from SAI to make You Unique from others.  So enjoy the Pains to become the Best in your Life among others !!!

Lord SAI is Supreme Truth . Light of Lights ,  Supreme Purity , Resident of Shirdi , Supreme Wisdom , Greatest Joy , Supreme Being , Lord of Ascetics , Most Merciful , God of Gods , Salutations unto HIM , again & again , Salutations unto HIM...

SAI alone is our true Mother , Father , Brother , Friend , Philosopher Guide & all other Relations....

Those who lovingly sing SAI'S fame & those who here the same with Devotion , both become one with SAI...

If people criticise or hurt or shout at you , don't bother , just remember that in every game audience make the noise , not the players....

 Constant remembrance of SAI'S feet removes all evils & promotes welfare , purity of heart , devotion to GOD , JNANA & DETACHMENT...
Just as the water of the rains coming down from the skies reach the ocean , prostrations to all Gods reach SAI...

" Wealth is really a means to work out dharma . If one uses it merely for personal enjoyment , it is vainly spent ".

"He, who casts aside his egoism, thanks Him and he, who trusts Him entirely, will have his shackles removed and will obtain liberation"

SAI appears in various forms to bless HIS devotees . On Holi in 1917 SAI appeared in the form of picture at Dabolkar's home at lunch time as promised in his dream the previous night to fullfill heart felt wish...

Conditional Preposition " IF " can be avoided in 8 , 9 & 10 of Eleven Assurances of SAI as SAI'S Assurances are not conditional . SAI'S love to HIS children was , is  & will be unconditional...
Its not important to say that " I am a SAI DEVOTEE ." Its important if SAI say that " He/She is my DEVOTEE " . Otherwise is it of any use???
He , whom SAI takes under His wing , whether He is at ho me or in an island , near Him is SHRI SAI , most certainly , by day & by night ....

Better than Allopathy , Homeopathy & all other Pathys is " SAI-O-PATHY ". The Divine SAI name is the sure cure for all ills...

SAI gave two things to mankind , one is MANTRA & the other is MEDICINE . The MANTRA is SHRADHA & SABOORI & the MEDICINE is UDI , sure cure for all  Ills & Evils .

Endure whatever comes your way . Allah Malik is our Protector . Always meditate on HIM , for HE alone bears the burden of all the cares & anxieties... 

The worship of SAI is the thorn-less path  or unaffiliated way . He who rushes or runs with blind folded eyes here will neither fall nor stumble... 
Always have complete faith on your Sai Baba.. the days you feel really let down are the ones when he has held you so tight that you dint even realise.. He can only think good for you.. Believe in him.. and he will always show you the way....

To start a day is like painting, draw the lines with prayers. Erase the errors with forgiveness. Dip the brush with patience and color it with love. Thats the way to live!
There shall Be no want in the House of MY Devotee

Prayers at best generate Love & if Love is there , formal Prayer are not necessary. LOVE BABA.

Sometimes He looks like SHIVA ,  Sometimes  as VISHNU , but He is SHRIPAD SHRI VALLABHA { Guru Form } which is universal principle working for upliftment. 

When SAI'S Life Story is being read , there SAI is present , always . And when it is read with Faith , again & again . He is Pleased...

Lets learn to live in SAI , Think of SAI , Breath of SAI , Dream of SAI , Read of SAI , Eat with SAI  & become one with SAI . SAI  is our GOD , SAI is our SADGURU... 

Do not enter in purposeless wordy philosophies, do not study Purana, do not follow the strains of blind devotion, do not rush after penance or recitations of Japa. The only which you should resort to is the surrender at My feet. Which will carry you to the desired goal. Fix your eyes on My feet, merge your mind in My remembrance, and immerse your mind, intellect in My contemplation. Your body, mind, intellect and existence should lose its identity and mingle in My form absolutely. 
He on whose lips SHRI SAI'S name is present all the time & whose heart dwells a deep love of SHRI SAI & the karma that he performs is only for SHRI SAI , to such a one SAI is greatly indebted ... 
The worship of SAI is the thorn-less path  or unaffiliated way . He who rushes or runs with blind folded eyes here will neither fall nor stumble... 
SAI'S name alone , SAI'S name alone & SAI'S name alone is the support of our life . There is no other assured resource - no other , no other for us . Waste not time . Life is ebbing away every minute . Death has no mercy . Repeat SAI'S name..........
If one utters the dis-syllable SAI even once , he has girded up his loins for his marching on to Heaven...

SAI alone is our prosperity ; SAI is our total consciousness of Bliss . HE alone is our lasting detachment from worldly afflictions . And even our ultimate Refuge is none other but SAI...

We are not the "doer" for any part of our life. We are the executors of a script written by Baba. The only thing we should run after is creating value and not wealth. Success of being a good human is judged by the impact you have created for others.

 Baba always said be kind to every one. Even if you dont want to give to someone always be nice to them. You never know in what form will Baba visit you today. Maybe the next beggar, your domestic help, you never know. Be prepared!
SAI BABA is truly PARABRAMHA . Nothing else except SAI.  Therefore truly all things in this world are but forms of SAI BABA...
The house in which there is the Padatheertha & Picture of SAI BABA is a BHAVAN or house. Else , { i.e. if there drop off } , the syllable BHA drops off & it is a VAN of Forest...
The toughest moments of life are actually the turning points. It is from these moments that we learn and grow. Keep your faith in Sadguru and he will guide you through all the difficult decisions. Always remember that Baba said you need to want something earnestly enough for it to happen.

Baba cares a lot for all of us. Sometimes we wonder what have we done to suffer so much and then suddenly he gives us everything we want. This is his way... He shows us the path to faith and patience. Believe in him and life becomes very simple!

We spend time trying to make decisions, as if we are the decision maker. The truth is that Baba is the decision maker of our life and he has the supreme power. Just think of him when you are confused.. he will make the decision easier for you.

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