शिर्डी के साँई बाबा जी के दर्शनों का सीधा प्रसारण... अधिक जानने के लियें पूरा पेज अवश्य देखें

शिर्डी से सीधा प्रसारण ,... "श्री साँई बाबा संस्थान, शिर्डी " ... के सौजन्य से... सीधे प्रसारण का समय ... प्रात: काल 4:00 बजे से रात्री 11:15 बजे तक ... सीधे प्रसारण का इस ब्लॉग पर प्रसारण केवल उन्ही साँई भक्तो को ध्यान में रख कर किया जा रहा है जो किसी कारणवश बाबा जी के दर्शन नहीं कर पाते है और वह भक्त उससे अछूता भी नहीं रहना चाहते,... हम इसे अपने ब्लॉग पर किसी व्यव्सायिक मकसद से प्रदर्शित नहीं कर रहे है। ...ॐ साँई राम जी...

Friday, 21 February 2014

Does Money matters in life ?

With regard to money, Shri Sai Baba demonstrated many a time that it has no value.

One of the many is below: One day, a rich man came to Baba and asked for Brahma Jnanam. He said, that is the only thing lacking in his life and he has got all. Baba said- I am very happy. Rarely, I find someone asking for this, as everyone is coming to me to seek materialistic things.

Saying thus, HE was sending someone to the shopkeepers to lend HIM some money and they all refused to lend Baba Sai any money fearing that they will not get it back. The rich man, who came to seek Brahma Jnana, was seeing all this, but instead of giving that money, kept quite. Finally he said, give me the Brahma Jnana fast, as I have to leave. Then Sri Sai Baba coolly told him - "I am trying the same. However, if you do not give Rs 5 (in this context, his ego, his buddhi etc.. which means surrendering to the HIM), then only you will get Brahma Jnana. However, you are so fond of it, you can not part with it. Unless you part with it, I can not". (excerpt from Shri Sai Master's Shri Sai Leelamrutam)

Om Sai Ram..

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