शिर्डी के साँई बाबा जी के दर्शनों का सीधा प्रसारण... अधिक जानने के लियें पूरा पेज अवश्य देखें

शिर्डी से सीधा प्रसारण ,... "श्री साँई बाबा संस्थान, शिर्डी " ... के सौजन्य से... सीधे प्रसारण का समय ... प्रात: काल 4:00 बजे से रात्री 11:15 बजे तक ... सीधे प्रसारण का इस ब्लॉग पर प्रसारण केवल उन्ही साँई भक्तो को ध्यान में रख कर किया जा रहा है जो किसी कारणवश बाबा जी के दर्शन नहीं कर पाते है और वह भक्त उससे अछूता भी नहीं रहना चाहते,... हम इसे अपने ब्लॉग पर किसी व्यव्सायिक मकसद से प्रदर्शित नहीं कर रहे है। ...ॐ साँई राम जी...

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Service to Humanity is Service to SAI

Om Sai Ram, We often ask God to give us this and that and our wishes never come to an end but when it is our turn to give even a little to someone else , we start thinking 10,000 times... Think about it, if you can't even spare a dime to some one else, what makes you think, God should grant you all your worldly wishes..

A good way to start Sai seva-Lets follow the Guru Mantra::

*Service to Humanity is Service to God*

Give food to the hungry, water to the thirsty , and clothes to the naked. Then God will be pleased.

The giver gives, but really he is sowing the seed for later: the gift of a rich harvest. -  Sai Baba..

                                                                                 A personal note from Me to You...
We spend thousands when it comes to shopping, watching movies, going on a vacation or giving Dakshina to the temple priest but do we really need to think so much when it comes to helping someone in need..Most of us have been fortunate today that our bank balances show lakhs of ruppees in them but none of us will take that treasure with us when we leave this world..What we really will carry is our good and bad karma.The blessings that we receive today will become the reason for our happy life in our many lives to come. Do not waste this opportunity..You can read all the spiritual books of this world or visit all the temples of this universe but none of them can help you in any way unless you act as a blessing in someone's life.

May Shri Sadguru Sainath's grace inspire you to make a difference in the life of someone who needs you the most and thus become Sai's messenger and Someone's Angel for your many lives to come.

There shall be no want in the house of My devotees

Spiritual values mark the life of a devotee. We must forgive our enemies and love all. Our mind must be freed from thoughts of greed, cruelty, scandal-mongering and selfishness. We must be contented and live in peace, realizing the truth that money cannot buy peace of mind. We must erase our ego and savour the spiritual treasure of dwelling in the Divine Presence of Baba and restrain from getting lured by the worldly pleasures. Nothing will be lacking in the house of a God-conscious devotee. One may lack good health, peace of mind or material riches. Wants are endless and of course multiply upon fulfilling them. Being a slave to wants, man is never content or happy. But Baba's devotees are an exception as they have strong will-power and rock-like faith in His Grace. 'Want' or 'lack' does not bother them as they are aware that nothing can be obtained without His Grace and whatever they really deserve is provided at the right time. They believe that Baba is the ruler of their lives. Irrespective of the onerous responsibilities one has to shoulder, Baba's devotees live without fear or anxiety as they know that whatever will happen will be at His Will and whatever one enjoys is also gifted by God. Hence, Baba, in His Eleventh Divine Assurance, promises: "There shall be no want in the house of My devotees". 

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